Settlement Plans Can Smooth Negotiations

A Ringler settlement plan – built on a tax-free, guaranteed structured settlement – can help bridge differences during a negotiation by moving the focus from a lump-sum dollar amount today to meeting the financial needs and aspirations of the injured person tomorrow. A Ringler consultant can provide the objectivity to help all parties see the best solution, the candor to clear away some typical negotiation roadblocks and the quick response necessary to save time for everyone involved. On the financial merits alone, an offer via a structured settlement can produce a much greater total payout thanks to the time value of money, the tax-free status and the lack of management fees.

But more important really is peace of mind: once a structure is locked in, the injured person and his or her dependents never have to worry again about the settlement money and the challenges of financial management, the ups and downs of the economy or unscrupulous outside influences.